What are the signs of a fake programmer?

  • They talk and talk about their code. But their code won’t do much talking.
  • Modular Design. They just don’t understand it. Nor about maintaining a large codebase.
  • They comment obvious code (e.g. int i = 1; // set i to 1), but don't comment on design or rationale.
  • NoSQL and shiny languages/frameworks are their buzzwords. But have no idea when one should or should not use one.
  • Memorizing code. I repeat. Memorizing code. Line by line. Especially for technical interviews.
  • Copy-paste code from Stack Overflow without at least reading through it once.
  • Won’t get frustrated when something doesn’t work as intended. It won’t keep them up at night. Would lack that delight at finding the solution that had been staring at his/her face for so long!
  • They code and it’s over. They don’t want to keep polishing it later.
  • Whenever they get stuck, they shall keep changing initialized value of the variables and hope it fixes itself! Changing value of i to 0, 1, 2, …. !!

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